1092. sweet murder

The Blow Monkeys being typical of much of the big, passionate so-called blue-eyed soul that was coming out of Britain in the 1980s – the singer’s voice just wasn’t fully up to it. So it tends to be the more instrumentally “out there” tracks that stand the test, like Sweet Murder (once the normal singing has concluded), free to funk up and space out.

1094 . rainbow enemy

Count the Ids among the very many solid outfits that got signed to record deals in the confusing wake of the grunge thing of the early 90s … but then not much happened. We only heard one album from them, and it was a good one, but for whatever reason, the world wasn’t up to taking notice. Maybe The Man wasn’t amused with their smartass point of view. “F*** the system, eat the machine, make them pay for my room and board.”

1095. no fun

The Stooges don’t get explained. You either get them or you don’t. In the case of No Fun, that means you luxuriate in the simple to the point of dumb repetitiveness of what amounts to a bored seven year old throwing a tantrum. Because who among us is not sometimes that seven year old? F*** this boring sh** – I will now roll around on broken glass and it will be beautiful.” (Philip Random)

(image source)

1096. victory

NoMeansNo, maybe the greatest Canadian rock based combo ever in the history of anything, weighs in with an epic number that can easily be dedicated to every sorry asshole that ever got his ass handed to him (or her) – in a poker game, in a sporting event, in battle, in love. Because it’s true, failure and humiliation are magnitudes more achievable than success. So eat them, digest them, then move on. And leave the vengeance crap to the gods – that stuff just eats mortal souls.” (Philip Random)